Lorin Lindner, PhD
Lorin Lindner, PhD, MPH, is a clinical psychologist and public health educator who utilizes nature and alternative methods of healing. Dr. Lindner was Clinical Director of New Directions for Homeless Veterans at the Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare Center. Later, she began an inter-species recovery program that places rescued parrots, wolves, wolfdogs and other animals in sanctuary where they are cared for by veterans undergoing rehabilitation from trauma. Each of them helps the other along the way. Dr. Lindner has published a book about the history of Serenity Park Sanctuary, Birds of a Feather (St. Martin’s Press, 2018), and she also has published in various journals on trauma in animals, domestic violence, child abuse, and the link between violence against people and cruelty to animals. For over 20 years, she has utilized eco- and animal-based therapy as part of her treatment protocol.
Dr. Lorin and Tie Dye who was rescued from the Premarin pharmaceutical industry
Dr. Lorin with Rocky, rescued with the help of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, because raccoons should not be pets