Opportunities For Veterans
LARC always has devoted itself to our returning military men and women, and we understand that the price of freedom is not free. LARC also understands that many combat veterans feel displaced and disconnected upon their return. The veterans enrolled in our program get a chance to heal with our back-to-nature eco-therapy approach. More specifically, each veteran is paired with another veteran who is further along in the process, and they work side-by-side, caring for a similar sentient being (wolves, parrots, horses, etc.) who also has suffered from trauma. More often than not, a returning infantryman who wrestles with being a killer or a father can find a compatible soul in the wolfdog who struggles with being a dog or a wolf. At LARC, we are aware there is no cure for PTSD, Moral Injury, and survivors’ guilt, but what we offer is a safe place, supported by our staff, to explore these events and to understand that healing is possible.
Although LARC is not open to the public, we do employ veterans and also offer veterans the opportunity to volunteer during Veteran Volunteer Days. We ask that any veteran interested in working or volunteering with LARC, the Wolves and Warriors® program, or Operation WolfGuard, provide the following:
A letter of interest via email or snail mail with a scanned attachment or copy of their DD-214 (do NOT send originals); and
Two letters of recommendation.
Please submit these documents via email, with all attachments in PDF format ONLY, to: info@lockwoodarc.org
Or mail the requested documents to:
PO Box 1510
Frazier Park, CA 93225
We will arrange for a phone interview to start and, within 1-2 months, there will be a second face-to-face interview. This is not a fast process, so we ask for your patience and understanding. We can hire only a few veterans each year. Please note that LARC is a drug and alcohol-free environment.
Stan, US Navy Veteran and LARC’s Foreman, with Huey and Cinny